The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique global identifier for legal entities participating in financial transactions. Also known as an LEI code or LEI number, its purpose is to help identify legal entities on a globally accessible database. Legal entities are organisations such as companies or government entities that participate in financial transactions. An individual person may not obtain an LEI. The identifier is used in regulatory reporting to financial regulators and all financial companies and funds are required to have an LEI.
As a busy founder, or manager who’s hiring, you can count on us to help fathom your needs and to translate your growth plans, product roadmap, and engineering milestones into a meaningful hiring strategy that delivers.
The best way to get to know us is to test our practical understanding and hear our thinking - as this is what underpins our work. We encourage you to pick our brains on any aspect of recruitment. We relish something new to fathom, even if we’re not engaged right away.
We’re known as a technology recruitment agency, and yet we’re often hiring right across an organisation.
We understand hiring into leadership and exec roles, and our ongoing dialogue with this community means we may already know the right person.
Our core strengths are around; software engineering (back-end, front-end, full-stack, native apps, systems etc.), architecture, data modelling, data science, DevOps, quality, build & release, delivery, operations, program and project management, product management, Agile/scrum, UX, and more.
In practical terms, we place great care in helping you understand and validate your needs, and then configuring the right approach. From this, we can shape a compelling career proposition and take it to the right people - through a mix of search and messaging, effective ads (which we co-author with you), and content placement - engaging people who share your values and are a positive addition to your culture.
We like to use your employer brand openly in our communications - developing awareness, trust and momentum for your employer brand. This can happen in parallel with your own direct recruitment methods - supplementing capacity as you need.
You may consider us an extension of your own operation; you’ll find us human, diligent and transparent in all that we do. As a two-person business, you get our full attention; we only take on what we can reliably deliver, rather than let you down.
We’re as attentive in building a whole team as we are in securing a single important hire. Importantly; we can hold a meaningful technical conversation, we can advocate for your organisation as you’d want, and our industry knowledge means you avoid lots of false positives.
Our partnership will naturally evolve over time, and you are free to engage us as much or little as you wish. We operate a fair fee structure, capped at a sensible level, and we guarantee our work.
Som veľká a nadržaná. Nič pre slabých a konzervatívnych.Potrebujem To stále a nič pre mňa nie je perverzné. Ak vieš čo chceš ozvi sa a rozdáme si to.
Som krásna nežná a milá žena. Oči ako bábika a neuveriteľný zadok. Ponúkam to, čo ti nemôže dať iná žena. Milujem sex, nežne, láskanie so mnou bude najlepšie.
Nezabudnuteľná vášnivá tantrická masáž, na tej najlepšej úrovni v Bratislave. Neváhaj a príď to zažiť!
Ponúkam tantru masáž.Nežné dotyky,jemné láskanie.Masáž je jemná a poúživam pri nej jemný olej. Pri masáži je možné masírovať aj prostatu v prípade záujmu.Odovzdajte sa do rúk skúsenej masérky, vychutnajte si jemné techniky,hladkanie tela jemných rúk. Príjemné prostredie relaxačná hudba. Večer masírujem pri sviečkách.
Príplatkové sexy vecičky dámske: / prstovanie dámsky anál + 200 € ( predtým než ma budeš prstovať, navlečiem Ti na ruky latex rukavice) / lízanie eggs bez navlečeného kondóm + 200 € / lízanie eggs s navlečeným kondóm + 100 €
- klienti, ktorý majú radi kondóm na jazyku a takým spôsobom prevádzkujú lízanie dámskych vagín,zadkov,úst, body, majú uvedenú praktiku celkom zadarmo. ( Kondóm, je často pre ženy dráždivým stimulom, ktorý ženy skôr privedie k orgazmu, než neumyté jazyky a znečistené ruky mužov so 40 € platbami za sexslužby).
Môj priestor je diskrétny, budeme iba TY a MY! Diskrétnosť, krásny, čistý priestor. Vždy čistý uterák a plachta! Vyžadujeme úroveň, ktorú aj ponúkame!
Ponúkam krásne milovanie v mojom súkromí. V cene je styk s ochranou, orál bez, bozkávanie, lízanie, prstovanie. Možné použiť vibrátor, dildo. Rada privítam mužov, ženy, páry, skupiny. Všetko je na dohode. Klasika, Orál, Masáž, Striptíz, Doprovod, Kúpeľ, Masáž s HE